Tim Burton is an awesome director. Everybody has probably seen his Alice in Wonderland by now, which is pretty great, but let me tell you about a sample of some of his earlier works, which can even be better. I choose Big Fish, his most personal film to date, a story of a difficult relationship between father and son. The main idea of the movie is, that the most beautiful aspect of being a human is a power of making up non-existent worlds by simply using your imagination. And when the person who does that is a creative genius like Tim Burton the result is quite overwhelming and unique. He somehow made watching Big Fish a totally surreal experience by populating it with such creatures as giants or witches, making it very realistic – you really care about the characters – at the same time. The film is genuinely funny and it also may make you cry at times (I must confess I did). If you haven't watched it yet, do not waste any more time. You have never seen anything quite like it.
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